
We are a group of collaborators and journeyers. We offer one-to-one leadership coaching, and also love working with leadership teams. We design professional learning experiences, and offer whole-hearted organizational consulting services that strategically address client learning and developmental needs. We also work with social justice and not-for-profit leaders on issues of organizational culture, and creating dynamic leadership environments. We want to talk personally about what you're interested in: what you want to achieve, the goals you wish to reach, what has meaning for you.


“Valerie “Richard “Leaders “Karen “Institute “John “Learning “Institute Antonia Rudenstine, reDesign

From Facebook

The book [Wounded by School] has special relevance for me currently since my school is undergoing some growing pains as we question some key aspects of our vision. Some of the features that were established when the school was founded last year have been challenging and some people openly favor minimizing or even eliminating them. We are in the middle of clarifying our discipline policy and need to commit to whether our approach is going to be more punitive or more restorative. Similarly, as we build our master schedule for next year, some are questioning whether to minimize advisory or other intervention periods. Wounded by School was important to me for articulating why such social-emotional and supportive components are essential and must be preserved. The section on technology use was also a powerful warning to school leaders who end up on the wrong side of history by closing the door to technology by imposing more and more restrictions. — Educator


  • Look Up! Three Practices for Leadership Mindfulness
    Look Up! Three Practices for Leadership Mindfulness
    At a recent conference on equity and activism in education, my co-author and I spoke to dozens of young educational leaders juggling hard to balance their political commitments, moral obligations, and extraordinarily demanding jobs. One youthful chief of staff described coordinating a vast and rapidly transforming mid-Atlantic district without a chief academic officer or other key personnel. Another spoke of conflicts between the state accountability office, her schools, and her leadership team. One participant in our conference session told us, “You know how we used to complain about the graduate school ‘bubble’ and how unreal it was? I want that bubble back!” Her bubble had burst. At the center of the work we do with educational leaders is a critical question: how do you become an effective leader, and stay true to yourself and your own deep purpose–in a job that is seemingly endless, around the clock, and has very...
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New Book: The Mindful School Leader

For educational leaders who feel overwhelmed, stressed, and underappreciated, this book offers explicit practices to help readers avoid burnout and become the mindful, poised, effective leaders they were meant to be.

Book: Wounded By School

This controversial book says that the way we educate millions of American children alienates students from a fundamental pleasure in learning, and that pleasure in learning is essential to real engagement, creativity, intellectual entrepreneurship, and a well-lived life.

Book: Schools As Colonizers

Some of the most radical and free-thinking educational critics of the 20th century said that we go to school to “be instructed on our own inferiority.” Schools As Colonizers examines the problems of institutionalized education from the vantage of the 1960s and 70s most eloquent voices: John Holt, Ivan Illich, Paul Goodman, Jonathan Kozol, Herb Kohl and George Dennison.